Breastfeeding is a completely natural act that women should feel proud of, yet many still face societal pressure when nursing in public. A young mother is speaking out against the stigma, advocating for her right to nurse her baby without feeling the need to cover up.

She gets unwanted stares from strangers.

Shania O’Neill doesn’t think twice about breastfeeding her daughter publicly. She noted, ’’It could be anywhere; the tram, bus, a restaurant, I could be pushing the [stroller]in a shop and I’ll feed her wherever we are.’’

However, the young woman admitted that she gets a lot of unwanted attention from strangers, and she finds it to be quite annoying. Shania said, ’’Boobs are for feeding babies. It’s a natural thing.’’

The Gen Z mother further explained her point, noting, ’’I don’t get why people think it’s me looking for attention. I am just doing something so natural that was seen as normal 60 years ago.’’

She insists on the importance of breastfeeding.

She got pregnant when she was just 16. “When I got pregnant, I was scared. I didn’t know what to do; it was so unexpected because I got pregnant while on birth control pills,” O’Neill said, admitting that she initially didn’t feel a strong emotional attachment to her child.

“I never planned on breastfeeding, but when I did, it completely changed me,” she shared. “It created such an amazing bond.”

She is far from alone in her decision to breastfeed her baby, with whom she had to endure a “grueling” four-day labor.

No one can stop this young mom.

The mother of one revealed that at the beginning, she used to cover up, but she soon stopped because she ’’felt uneasy.’’ She added, “It was hard with a blanket because I had to keep checking every 2 seconds underneath it. So now I don’t use one at all, and it’s much easier.’’

Despite all the negative comments she gets, O’Neill is determined to continue to nurse without having to hide her breasts. She observed, ’’You wouldn’t tell a woman feeding with a bottle to cover up the bottle.’’

The 18-year-old also encourages other mothers to follow her example and not be afraid of what people say or think. She noted, ’’I would recommend for moms to just go into it without a care in the world. Your baby comes first.’’

Take a look at celebrity moms who are working to normalize breastfeeding and sharing adorable photos with their little ones.

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